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Our Story

Gashonga Parish is a church that was planted in 2014 from Cyato (chotto) 30 minutes away. After serving Cyato since 2009, beginning with only eight people, Ephraim moved to Gashonga where the church had ten people. In one year they moved from 3 different houses as the Lord added to their number. 


In 2015, the church bought a piece of land and began work to clear it and make bricks for a new church building. It was not easy work with about 60 members contributing to the construction but true to their Rwandan character they persevered together. 

The church building was completed October 2016 and became a hub for the surrounding area as a meeting place for social interaction, and Biblical formation. In September 2017, Bishop Nathan Amooti reached out to other dioceses and five evangelists came to Gashonga to work with Ephraim to reach outlying areas.  Ephraim was made Archdeacon over Gashonga Deaconry which covers 6 sectors. They developed seven daughter churches before the Rwandan government closed churches because of regulations regarding structures in March 2018.  As of Spring 2018 over 800 people were being served and the number continues to grow. 

The archdeaconry envisions increasing disciples of Jesus with the four pillars of the Cyangugu Diocese:

  1. Evangelism

  2. Education

  3. Health

  4. Development

As solid church buildings are built they become a hub for the community much like the rural U.S. in the 1950s where local churches served as community centers. Compassion centers, mothers' union, schools, and gospel proclaiming churches that minister to the mind, body and soul is the story the Anglican Church in Rwanda. 

Partnerships with other churches make this possible. Partnerships center on relationships between the U. S. congregation and the congregation in Rwanda. Even small congregations are able to make a huge impact through strategic aid in building church buildings, developing schools, and mission trips. U. S. partners may pool resources to serve Gashonga through mission trips and financial contributions.


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